Research Development Programme


From Federal University of Health Sciences, Ila-Orangun

Research Development Programme: From the moment I received the invitation to participate in the Research for Impact initiative, the anticipation and excitement that accompanied it was the beginning of an eye-opening adventure.

I have focused my experience on the commercialisation of research, a theme that sparked my curiosity and opened new horizons. The programme has equipped me with invaluable knowledge and skills. It has also provided a roadmap to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications. One of the key takeaways has been the importance of teamwork. R4i brought together a diverse group of individuals, each with unique expertise, and fostered an environment of synergy. Working with people from various backgrounds, I realised the power of teamwork in transforming innovative ideas into marketable products. This was a profound revelation that I will carry with me throughout my career.

Research Development Programme: The programme’s curriculum has been a treasure trove of insights into the commercialisation process in Research and Development. I learnt about intellectual property rights and protection, market research, problem exploration, concept development & ideation, prototype development, business development, public speaking and idea pitching. The icing on the cake for me was “Driving Innovation with Emotional Intelligence”. The principles can also be applied to my day-to-day activities while dealing with students, colleagues, friends and family. These concepts and knowledge, once foreign to me, have now become an integral part of my understanding of how research can be transformed into solution, products and viable ventures. The instructors, experts and mentors were instrumental in demystifying these complex concepts, making them accessible, understandable and applicable.

In addition to the knowledge, skill and capacity gained from R4i, the initiative provided an invaluable network of opportunities. I have had the privilege of connecting with professionals, academics and researchers from various institutions and organisations. This privilege expanding my professional network and opening doors to potential collaborations and partnerships.

In conclusion, my R4i experience has given me the critical insight to navigate the complex landscape of research commercialisation. This eye-opening adventure has expanded my horizon, and I am excited to apply what I have learnt, in order to make a meaningful impact in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship. I am grateful to TETFund and Innov8 Hub for this initiative; I also appreciate my institution- the Federal University of Health Sciences,
Ila – Orangun, Osun state, for giving me the opportunity to experience the Research for Impact initiative.

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